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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/09/10
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013

Erica Belisle (Chair), Rhonda Gurney, John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Paul Skarin, Mike Pollari
Next meeting:
October 8, 2013, 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Bike Race: Scott reports that Horror at Harding Hill took in about $1000.00 profit. Brian Garland has handed over the reins to Mark and Rhonda Gurney. QUESTION: Do we keep this event? Group thoughts were yes. Even though it is not a large profit for recreation, it is a wonderful community event and it is worth it even if we break even.
  • Rhonda asked the committee if she should step down as an alternate due to the amount of meeting she can attend in person. Rhonda will still continue to oversee the Sunapee Harbor Magic and Horror at Harding Hill. The group discussed and agrees that Rhonda should stay as an alternate since she participates and keeps up to date and contacts the members when needed.
  • Chowder Challenge Entertainment: Scott made the committee aware that the cost for the band (4 Play) that will be providing music for the Chowder Challenge is $800.00. This donation comes from the Rec. Dept. budget. And the Sunapee PTO lists the Sunapee Rec Department as a sponsor for the entertainment during this event.
  • Dewey Beach Closure: Dewey Beach lifeguards and building ended the Monday of Labor Day. The Handicap bathroom remains open until after Columbus Day Weekend when the water for the building is shut off for the winter.
  • This year we had no closures due to bacteria. The beach was only closed a few days due to weather.
  • Scott purchased a new paddleboard for the beach for $550.00 on sale from $850.00.
  • Jen reports some metal and glass debris were found again in Georges Mills, we had some discussion as to how we can make sure the entire cleanup is done. The debris is from long ago boathouses and such that have over time worked their way back up to the bottom.
  • Scott announced that he will be looking for the following beach positions in 2014. Beach Manager and 2 Assistant Managers.
  • Veteran’s Field: Scott reports that the new drainage is working as it is supposed to. Discussion followed about the standing water on the field after multiple days of rain. Charleen was on the field when the water was present and explained to the group where the low spots and puddles were. Who do we have do the plan or estimate? Do we make this a major project? Paul suggested we contact Clayton Platt to survey the site and get elevations so we can make a further decision. Scott will contact the Town about the possibility of doing some repairs vs. contracting out.
  • Side note: Now that Patricia is no longer on the committee and she was the representative for the school fields committee, Paul nominates Scott to represent Recreation at all future meetings. Scott agrees.
  • Discussion about allowing companies to sponsor and have signs at Veteran’s field. Scoreboard or on fence, how big would we allow, where would they be, how much would we charge, and who would maintain? Discussion tabled for now, we will revisit at a later date.
  • Looney Lunge:  Scott reports that an anonymous donor wants to make a High School Challenge. They will donate $10.00 per participant up to $1000.00 to go to the class with the most participation. The donation would be facilitated through the Rec. Dept.
  • Membership: Craig Heino has decided that he does not wish to renew his position on the Recreation Committee. After 6 years on the Committee, we thank him for all his hard work and participation.
  • Erica makes a motion to renew Rhonda Gurney’s alternate position on the Committee. Paul seconded. All were in favor.
  • Both John Augustine and Rhonda Gurney as alternates were asked if they wished to move up to a full member position. Both Declined.
  • Scott will advertise the vacant seat on the Town’s web site and any upcoming town ads. Charleen will announce the position at the upcoming PTO meeting to spread the word.
  • Budget Review: Scott reports that we are ahead of where we were last year at this time.
  • Other Business
  • Ice Skate Rink Liner: A new liner is needed to replace the 3 year old liner. The cost as researched by Craig is about $1500.00. One will be purchased.
  • Soccer Scholarship: This year’s British Soccer Camp Scholarship went to a young girl in the Elementary school. She was a happy and committed participant for the All Day Program.
  • Tent Information: Erica reports that the cost of renting a 30 X 40 tent through Lakes Region Tent and Event is $950.00 for 1 week and it includes transportation, set up, and take down. The cost to purchase a 10 X 30 tent is $160.00. Discussion followed and there is a question about storage. What is the price to purchase a used tent from an event company?
  • Paul to follow up with Pro Mania
  • John to follow up with Lakes Region Tent and Event
  • Charleen to follow up with Blood’s Catering & Party Rental
  • Next Meeting Agenda items
  • Jerry Gold – Kearsarge Ragged Sunapee Greenway
  • Turkey Trot
  • Sunapee Harbor Magic
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country Skiing, Snowshoeing